Groups: #2021phrchufflepuff, #2021phrc, #2021frc, #2022phrchufflepuff, #2022phrc, #2022frc
Bio: Single parent. BoyMom. DogMom. Teacher. Doctoral student. Hufflepuff. I run so that I can eat all the carbs.
#nsync4eva×27, #therightpuff×25, #loveyoubyebye×24, #stealashoutout×13, #rumble×9, #upsettscreek×9, #ewdavid×8, #blessedbe×7, #jb×7, #always×6, #bigdirtybadger×6, #letsdoalap×6, #littlebitalex…×6, #maydaybaby×6, #omgbrianiknow…×6, #somuchgood×6, #swirlytwirlym…×6, #hufflepugmommy×5, #intherumblewh…×5, #untiltheverye…×5, #alegitsnack×4, #approvedexcep…×4, #fanggang×4, #forkyeah×4, #goodnewsisawa…×4, #itotallypaused×4, #fairytale×3, #finalcountdown×3, #raceryismyfav…×3, #runnerwhocant…×3, #veryuninteres…×3, #alittlebitale…×2, #asif×2, #goodnewsisawa…×2, #hanginpuff×2, #letstakealap×2, #runningwithmy…×2, #runningwithth…×2, #threatlevelmi…×2, #tired×2, #veryuninteres…×2, #virtualprince…×2, #werunasone×2 … >>
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