Groups: #frtw2022, #mooseandsquirrel, #2022phrcravenclaw, #babblingcandle, #backinblack, #relashio, #hordeofthewings, #rufiooo, #youshallnotpass, #2022phrc, #2021phrc, #2021phrcravenclaw
Bio: *slaps racery name* This baby can hold so many fandoms. - Harry Potter - Shakespeare/early modern lit - Age of Sail (esp. Aubreyad) - Hamilton, as the ship that brought Lafayette to New York
#streakthesnow…×90, #rambleon×50, #finalfellowsh…×44, #forfrodo×44, #sidebysidewit…×44, #tatertime×44, #nosleeptillva…×37, #onwesweepwith…×37, #ragnarockthis…×37, #dontstopmenow×36, #flylikeaship×34, #whatstarsdobe…×34, #liveandletpun×33, #runanotherday×33, #yougottodoitw…×31, #bohemianflock…×24, #flockingclaws…×24, #offonaherosjo…×18, #murderymiles×15, #runrunrunrunr…×15, #studybreak×14, #ineffablerace…×12, #releasethehel…×12, #lightspeedbri…×11, #shutupandtake…×11, #backpacking×8, #walkthisway×7, #jbrelay×6, #milesforbrady×4, #5kpr×2, #diademsarefor…×2, #keepyourfeet5k×2, #latenightdogw…×2, #milesforrusse…×2, #selimymekatdn…×2, #shamrock8k×2, #shamrockhalfm…×2, #thatsacap×2, #werunasone×2 … >>
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